This suspension bridge was completed in 2006. The height from the surface of the river water under the bridge is 173 meters, and 390 meters long, which boasted Japan's highest as well as longest suspension bridge just for the pedestrian at that time. As for the length, Mishima Otsuribashi bridge in Shizuoka Prefecture deprived this bridge of its top position in 2015. Several nice waterfalls, such as Shindo-no Taki, about 90 meters high, can be commanded from the bridge, and autumnal leaves are stunning in November. This area, called "Kyusui-kyo" valley, is a well-known scenic spot in autumn. The idea of this bridge construction, which was suggested by a member of a local store association, dates back to 1956. As it took about 50 years from the dream of an ordinary shopkeeper to the realization, this bridge was named "Yume" meaning dream.
Licensed tour guide, travel consultant,
Masahisa Takaki
全国通訳案内士 高木聖久。
